Wow! It's been awhile since I've posted here. I actually forgot that I created this page! Well, with the transition of moving and then going to Texas for the holidays, it was quite easy to do. *smile*
As some of you know, since I've been in Arizona, I've been attending a Tridentine Mass along with some friends of mine. For those of you who don't know what that means, I encourage you to check out:
This Page In a nutshell, the Tridentine Mass is the liturgy that was followed until the 1960's when Vatican II created the Novus Ordo liturgy (in Latin, for the record).
I have really enjoyed attending Mass in this style. The reverence, chant, and incense. To attend the Tridentine liturgy is to attend in body, mind, and soul.
This week, however, I am doing something different. I am going to attend a Novus Ordo Mass in its original Latin language. I have heard many things (good and bad) about the Novus Ordo, even in its' native language. I am hoping that the good things I have heard will be true and the bad things won't be. ;-)
I have grown up with the NO, so I know how to pray it. Having attended the Tridentine Mass, I found myself the rest of the week trying to better prepare myself for the next time I went. Trying to find deeper ways to invest myself in it and how to pray it more deeply and reverently. But again, since it is new to me, I still find trouble doing such no matter how much I like the Mass.
That is why I am going to attend a NO this weekend. I think that Latin being the universal language of the Universal Church that it is an essential part of the liturgy, but I hope that because it is in a form more to what I am used to that it will be easier to put myself into a state of spiritual contemplation, worship, and reverence.
I'll post later and let you know how it goes! ;-)